Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Registry & RSVP

So perhaps nobody got my message, or maybe people thought it was spam, or nobody wants to come =( . Anyway, I'll attempt again over the phone or something. 150 people is a lot of stamps. Internet people, come on! Anyway, we'll probably have a registry of some sort, but not specific to any store, giving people a chance to buy wherever they choose. That list will follow.

Thanks all!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Party Ideas

So the idea is to have a large cottage party with tonnes of people (150 so far), beer, bbqs, volleyball, live music, swimming, and anything else fun and summery. This post is to try and transform those ideas from brainstorm to reality. If you have any ideas or desire to help with any parts of this, simply comment below with your name and the heading of the part you're interested in.

TENTS: We thought about renting a large wedding tent, but a few other ideas have sprung to mind:

Get some wood and tarps and make some tents, keeping the tarps and wood for afterwards. Costs money, but it's cheaper and you get to keep \ sell wood.

Buy several Walmart-style gazebos and chain them together, selling them off for half price after the party to whoever wants one.

BBQS: We'll have a bring your own meat and get 4 or so BBQs together, hopefully a few volunteers will help with that.

We'll likely get a bajillion cobs of corn for the shindig. So if you like corn...

I'll certainly be asking the great cooks among us to contribute a monstrous quantity of sides like salads and things. If you're interested in helping out with any of that. Comment below.

LIVE MUSIC: I have asked a few good friends of mine to play for us. Mostly reggae, rock, alternative, folk-rock. There is also the possibility of karaoke later in the evening, but not so late that it's too late if you know what I mean.

Beer: Two of my friends have offered to contribute kegs as a gift, which should take care of that rather nicely. We will likely also have a few dozen bottles of wine. Above and beyond that, you're on your own.

Swimming: There is a lake within walking distance. It's not quite the same as a pool at the party, so we'll likely go on an excursion at some point. Sprinklers and hoses will be our plan at the party itself.

Ceremony: For those of you hoping for a ceremony of sorts, you won't be dissapointed. However, there will be great emphasis on the "of sorts". Nothing too sappy, but as theatre types, we promise we'll come up with something.

Activities: I'd love to organize a few things. Volleyball is one. We need a net and ball if you have one. Soccer is fairly easy to set up. As far as non-sports things are concerned, I'm sure we could come up with a few things for yee old-timers too ;).

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, volunteer dreams, or if you want to volunteer your stuff, either comment below, or e-mail me @, subject: wedding


Invitation RSVP - August 21

On August 21, Louisa and I will be hosting a reception at a cottage near Ayer's Cliff, overlooking lake Massawippi. Details to follow.

To RSVP, either e-mail me directly @ subject: wedding, or simply post on the comments below including your name and any others in your party.

If you want a plus one, please ask us first as space is limited already.